PC-SIG: World of Games
PC-SIG World of Games (CDRM1080710) (1993).iso
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Text File
397 lines
100% Cotton Software
RR1 Box 1622
Hop Bottom, PA 18824
Copyright 1990 by George Tylutki
All rights reserved.
Although movies are often based on original screenplays, many are
adapted from literary works: novels, plays, short stories and
even poems. Have You Read That Movie? is a multiple-choice test
of your knowledge of movies and literature. There are three
levels of difficulty and three modes of play. Each correct
answer is accompanied by some interesting fact(s) about the movie
or the literary work. Enjoy and learn.
Have You Read That Movie? is a copyrighted shareware product; it
is not freeware or public domain. You can try it before you buy
it and you are encouraged to give copies to others. But if you
like it and use it, you should send the registration fee of
$10.00 to 100% Cotton Software. Registered users receive:
- a copy of Have You Read That Movie? which does not display
this message;
- your choice Maze Survey or Double Directory (see below);
- telephone support;
- notification of updates;
- the appreciation of programmers who strive to produce
inexpensive, quality, useful and entertaining software.
Maze Survey is a graphics game in which you use the keyboard to
maneuver a variable-speed survey vehicle through mazes laying
down and later picking up markers. You work against the clock
and are paid for each marker. There are 10 mazes and 4 levels of
difficulty. You can choose among 4 color palettes and 2 graphics
resolutions (depending upon your computer's display adapter).
You may also choose which keys maneuver the vehicle. High scores
and the various settings (level, colors, etc.) can be saved to
disk so that you don't have to reset them each time you play.
There is on-line help. Maze Survey requires DOS 2.0 or later and
128K RAM and it will run with the following graphics adaptors (or
clones): CGA, MCGA, EGA, VGA, Hercules, AT&T 400.
Have You Read That Movie? 2
Double Directory displays two disk directories side-by-side (up
to 150 files each). You can scroll through either or both
(simultaneously) and delete, rename, and copy files. Double
Directory's point-and-shoot interface makes it easy to tag files
and navigate subdirectories. It automatically determines whether
a monochrome or color display is being used, and, if you have an
EGA or VGA, you can view more files in the 43- and 50-row modes.
You can set a filename mask, sort directories by filename,
extension, time, date or size, and shell to DOS to perform DOS
functions. Double Directory's commands are mnemonic and it has
context-sensitive help. It requires DOS 2.0 or later.
QuickBASIC 4.5 source code is available.
There is a registration form at the end of this file.
To print this documentation, turn your printer on and type "copy
filmnlit.doc prn" at the DOS prompt.
Taking the Quiz
You will be shown a question and four answers. Use the direction
keys (see the Miscellaneous section) to move the inverse cursor
bar to your answer choice and press the Enter key. Instructions
are displayed at the bottom of the quiz window. If you are in
Single Player mode or 2 Players Alternate mode (see below), you
can choose "Skip this question" instead of choosing one of the
four answers. Have You Read That Movie? randomly selects
questions and any you skip will come up again later in the quiz.
To run Have You Read That Movie?, type "filmnlit" at the DOS
The Main Menu
After the program has loaded, it will display a title screen.
Press any key and the main menu will appear at the top of the
At the main menu, use the direction keys to choose one of the
menu items and press Enter. Another menu will then drop down
below your choice (except HELP). Again, use the direction keys
to choose a menu item and press Enter. Some of the drop-down
menu items will present a pop-up menu box. Use the direction
keys and Enter to make another choice. Instead of using the
direction and Enter keys, you can press the highlighted letter of
a menu choice (for example, Q for quit). You can press the Esc
key to cancel any choice.
Have You Read That Movie? 3
There are seven choices on the SETTINGS menu: # of Tries, Show
answer, Level, Mode, Colors, Background, Mouse speed.
# of Tries: You may try 1, 2, or 3 times to get the right answer
before the program shows you the correct answer or moves on
to another question (see Show answer below).
Show answer: You can have the program show you the correct answer
after you have failed to choose the correct answer # of
Mode: There are three modes: Single Player, 2 Players Alternate,
and 2 Players Compete. Choose Single Player when only one
person is playing. In 2 Players Alternate mode, 2 players
take turns answering questions. 2 Players Compete mode is
like a TV game show. After a brief blank screen,the
question and answers are displayed. The first player to
recognize the correct answer, presses any key on his or her
side of the keyboard (Player 1 = left side and Player 2 =
right side) and then uses the direction keys to choose an
In Single Player and 2 Players Alternate modes, players may
choose Skip this question. In 2 Players Compete, you may
not choose Skip this question. Further, wrong answers are
subtracted from right answers (thus lowering your score).
Therefore, in 2 Players Compete mode, you should not try to
be the first player to press a key on your side of the
keyboard unless you are quite sure you know the answer.
Level: There are three levels of difficulty: easy, medium and
hard. There are 91 easy questions, 141 medium questions and
136 hard questions.
Colors: There are four color schemes for the score, settings and
quiz windows. One of them should suit your preferences. See
CGA NOTE below.
Background: Each time you press Enter the underlying, textured
background color will change. There are sixteen background
colors. The colors will roll over from 16 to 1 as you
continue to press Enter. Sixteen background colors + four
color schemes = 64 color combinations total. See CGA NOTE
Mouse speed: You can adjust the mouse sensitivity so that it
moves slowly, moderately or quickly.
Have You Read That Movie? 4
Choose Start new game to play. While you are taking the quiz,
you can press the Esc key to return to the top main menu. If you
then change the settings of # of Tries, Show answer, Colors,
Background, or Mouse speed, you can choose Continue game.
However, if you change the Mode or Level settings, you must Start
new game (Continue game on the PLAY menu will be dimmed or
invisible and the cursor bar will not move on to it).
When you choose QUIT, you will be asked to confirm that you
really want to quit the program.
You can display help screens by choosing Help at the main menu or
by pressing the F1 function key while you are in the quiz window.
At the upper, left side of the screen is the score box which
shows the number of questions you have tried to answer, the
number of right and wrong answers, the percentage of right
answers and the number of remaining questions ("to go"). In 2
Players Compete mode, you can have a negative percentage.
At the upper, right side of the screen is the settings box which
shows the current settings.
At the lower center of the screen is the quiz box where questions
and answers are displayed and you make choices.
Have You Read That Movie? is able to give you 16 background
colors by manipulating the "blink bit." Some CGA display
adapters improperly reset this bit at odd times. Therefore, if
you choose color "C" or background colors 9 through 16, you may
find that the colors blink. If so, press the space bar while the
questions and answers are displayed. If the colors continue to
blink (rather than turning bright), you will have to use colors
"A", "B" or "D" and background colors 1-8 (unless you like the
blinking colors). Even if the bright colors display correctly,
you may see a brief flash when the score is updated.
Have You Read That Movie? 5
This problem is related only to SOME CGA display adapters and not
to EGA, VGA, Hercules, etc.
Have You Read That Movie? will automatically detect whether a
mouse driver is loaded. If so, you may use either the mouse or
the keyboard. The left mouse button is used for the Enter key
and the right mouse button is used for the Escape key.
In addition to the cursor keypad direction keys (Up Arrow, Down
Arrow, Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Page Up and Page Down), you can
use the "WordStar" direction keys (Ctrl-E, Ctrl-X, Ctrl-S, Ctrl-
D, Ctrl-Q-R and Ctrl-Q-C).
The author of the literary work on which the movie is based is
mentioned in the question or appears in square brackets at the
end of the question: for example, [Edgar Allan Poe].
Occasionally the film and literary title may differ by a word or
two: for example, "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" (story) and
Phantom of the Rue Morgue (movie).
Have You Read That Movie? requires one disk drive and 256K RAM.
It will work correctly on CGA, EGA, VGA, Hercules, MDA, and MCGA
display adapters (color or monochrome).
Register my copy of Have You Read That Movie? ($10.00). Send me
a new copy without the registration screen and a copy of:
[] Maze Survey or [] Double Directory
Name _________________________________________________________
Street _______________________________________________________
City ______________________________ State ____ Zip __________
I obtained my copy of Have You Read That Movie? from:
[] Friend
[] User's group
[] Commercial service _________________________________
[] Other ______________________________________________
Send $10.00 to: 100% Cotton Software
RR 1 Box 1622
Hop Bottom, PA 18824
[] Check [] Money order